School Programs

Our connections to the earth and the natural world have always been the heart of my efforts as a writer for children and young adults.  As an educator my goal is to assist teachers in their efforts to bring reading and writing to life with the hope that young people will eagerly return to the library for another book and intrinsically wish to put their own thoughts and musings on paper.  

    Being both author and storyteller I have found the school library to be a comfortable space for grade level presentations that allow stories and songs to be tailored to the listeners.  For $375 I provide two days of programming with three 45 minute sessions per day.  

As an administrator, I am most impressed with the magnitude of his program. Our three-year-old students smile and laugh with his homespun impersonations of frogs and earthworms while our older students enjoy his satirical look at human nature.
— Dale Vinson, Principal
“Thank you for coming to our school! I have heard your stories and songs since I was in 6th grade. Now as a babysitter I read your stories to other kids! Thank you for your writing inspiration.
— Michelle Waddell, Student
The stories, songs and tricks you shared with us were delightful. Whenever someone with your talent brings reading and writing to life it encourages the children and gives our reading in class greater meaning. Thank you for inspiring us!
— Kit Moyer, Teacher
The fact that you are an author and storyteller – that you told your own stories – was an added bonus and a very important one for our children.
You were able to show them another outlet for their work.
— Pam Fawcett, Program Coordinator