Where Critters Roam
Where Critters Roam is original woodland fiction for young readers and families. Seventeen short stories and thirteen songs wander through the natural world in the company of fairytales.
Ballads and Tales of the Woods
"Adventures and stories begin when a quest draws one to leave behind what they know to follow dreams along paths into the unknown and unexpected. This journey allows the magic of the universe to open doors unimagined where opportunities await as blessings."
Ballads are songs that tell a story. These musical tales are of times in the woods of Maine, the mountains of Arkansas and along the shores of Nova Scotia.
Lyrics & Poems
Lyrics are the visual side of the music we sing and hum. Poems are the visual side of words that move us to laugh and imagine. May you imagine and hum with thoughts of the earth, its critters and our connections to both.
These are tales of the wood and quiet places where outdoor experiences with the earth’s critters mingle with the magic of fairy tales. They are stories for young readers of varying ages. The independent reading level of the tales increases as one progresses.